Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Easy Healing Bone Broth Recipe

I did it. i finally did it! I made my first attempt at making bone broth recently. For those who don't know, bone broth is incredibly healing and can help heal and repair the gut. This is especially important for those trying to heal leaky gut (like myself)! Leaky gut has been linked as the source for many common health issues including fatigue, auto immune diseases, skin problems including acne and eczema, the list goes on and on. So, I was able to gather up most of the ingredients I needed and with very minimal prep work and a huge thanks to my crock pot, it turned out great!

I based my recipe from Dr. Josh Axe's (He has a ton of great health information on his website) 

I was out of a few things and I was ready to make my own bone broth because I FINALLY found a place that sold the bones bones. I modified the recipe because most recipes for bone broth (and soup bases) call for celery, and I have a mild celery allergy so that needed to be refined for me. But also because I did not have all of the ingredients at home. 
I use this recipe as a sipping broth and I plan on making another batch soon to keep moving on my gut healing process!

5 Medium carrots- peeled-organic if possible
1 med-large onion- peeled and cut into quarters
1/2-1 tsp thyme
1 handful parsley (lightly shopped)
2 1/2 quarts of water 
2 cloves of garlic- peeled and gently smashed
2 Bay Leaves
black pepper corns (whole is better because it'll be easier to strain at the end)
1tsp salt (to taste but I started with this) 
1lb bones with marrow (I used pork bones this time because the health food store was out of beef bones)

I prepared all of my veggies and put them right into my larger sized crock pot (I think this size is pretty standard). Then I placed my bones on top and covered with water-about 2 and 1/2 quarts- just so it was about an inch or so from the top. I covered and let it bubble on high overnight. In the morning I turned it to low and let it simmer until about the 36 hour mark. Then I turned it off and let it sit again to cool close to room temperature. I set aside some for me to drink within the next 3 days and the rest I portioned into freezer bags to store (it will freeze well for up to 3 months). **while I was separating it after it had cooled I tried my best to skim off some of the fat from the top.** I do usually end up adding a little extra salt to mine when I reheat it but it is really up to you!

I Really enjoyed the way this recipe turned out. I think it had plenty of flavor and for a first try I surprisingly don't think I would make many changes if any at all. I hope you enjoy this recipe and for those who don't know what leaky gut is all about I highly recommend you check it out. It is really a fascinating subject that doesn't have nearly enough awareness and affects so many people. There is hope and healing for repairing your digestive system and bone broth is a great start!



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