Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Best Moisturizer for Sensitive Skin

Two years ago while traveling in Hawaii I wandered into a shop that had the word nature  in it. That, and the fact that the advertising was mostly green and the store was well lit are the only reasons went in there. But what I found was truly a treasure.

I have struggled with my skin for most of my life. From eczema patches in the winter, to troublesome teenage skin, to digestive led breakouts. Through all of these struggles I have discovered that the most important thing you can do for your irritated skin is moisturize.When I wandered into that store I had no intentions of buying anything, I was just killing time before my late night flight back to Chicago- but what I found has truly been a life saver and I am excited to share it with you. 

As I browsed the beautiful natural looking products in simple, earthy packaging, I spotted a huge table of round green tubs. On the top of the tub it read, "Aloe Vera 92%". "hmm," I thought, "What's this stuff all about?" I asked a sales associate, and after a few minutes I said, ok, do you think I am going to fall in love with this stuff and need more than 1 tub?" (it came in single packs or a discounted package of 3) Of course I was told, yes and i like to think that it was genuine belief in the product. The store I was in was called Nature republic, and The moisturizer was their Soothing and Moisture Aloe Vera Soothing Gel. After leaving happily with 3 jars of moisturizer, 2 tubes of face wash, and 1 face mask, I was really hoping something would stick. I have tried so many other moisturizers and nothing has been as gentle or soothing as this. 

This moisturizer is so gentle, so easy to absorb, oil free. I can't say enough good things about it. There is no harsh smell, it doesn't leave my face feeling wet, dry, oily, it just feels like healthy moisturized skin. It soaks in fast and such a small amount goes a very long way. I use mine every night, now usually with my essential oil routine, but still on it's own. 
I am currently about to open just my 4th tub of moisturizer, and like I said, it has been nearly 2 years. This stuff will last you a very long time and it's affordable, natural, and gentle. I buy my refills on Amazon for less than $8/jar. 
I use this stuff at least once/day on my face and neck but I have also used it in my hair while it's still damp, I have used it when trying to tame my dry hair. It can really be used on any dry skin or hair. It's really worth every penny. I have also applied it several times/day while healing and soothing sunburn. 

I am a true believer in this product and I would recommend it to anyone with dry, oily, sensitive or problematic skin. 

Thanks for reading, 


Saturday, May 28, 2016

Natural Laundry Day: Wool Dryer Balls

Recently I have discovered the magical powers of wool dryer balls. These easy to use little things are perfect for reducing static and leaving you with fresh, clean and soft clothes. But the best part about them is they have no chemicals whatsoever. Conventional dryer sheets are soaked with chemicals, perfumes, synthetics and other toxins that enter your body through the air and your skin. Many  people even have allergic reactions to them and some don't even know that it's the reason their skin is so itchy!
After discovering how toxic dryer sheets actually are I decided to just go without, but it wasn't long before I was annoyed with the lint, hair and static that were wreaking havoc after I removed my clean laundry from the dryer. After just 1 use of these dryer balls I was 100% sold and wanted to buy a set for every person I know.

How to use them:
It's easy, simply toss the dryer balls into the dryer with your damp clothes and run as usual. I usually spread mine out to ensure even distribution throughout the cycle.

What do they smell like?
Nothing. They don't leave any scent at all to your clothes which for some people is a good thing.
However, if you prefer to have a scent added in, just a few drops of your favorite essential oils onto the outside of the dryer balls a few minutes before tossing them in should do the trick! Lavender works great for sheets, blankets and pillow cases and even for kids pajamas to help them relax at night. Lemon is also a great addition for keeping things fresh and smelling clean. Ultimately you could use any scent you enjoy to create your own unique clean laundry smell.

Where can I get them? 
I got mine from Mighty Nest. (Which I love and HIGHLY recommend!)
Another great thing about Mighty Nest is that you can sign up for a monthly surprise where they send you a fun, useful, natural product that will upgrade you to a healthier home. It is 100% worth it at just $11/ month. (Side note: I looked for a subscription box for a long time and did a lot of research and this is the only one I have stuck with so far and found to be worth every penny. I LOVE receiving my MightyFix every month!)

I don't think I can express how excited I was about receiving these and how excited I get every time I get to use them. This is by far one of my favorite natural products I have ever tried, but stay tuned as I will be posting about more soon!

Until next time,

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Protein Packed Spring Rolls

Lately I have been struggling to find food to take with me to work. For my job I am out of the office for almost the entire day. This means that I have no access to a microwave or refrigerator. I also eat most of my "meals" (more like healthy filling fast snacks) in the car. Because of all of these factors I have been seeking "cold lunches" that are fast, filling, don't really require a fork and spoon, and of course are healthy and preferably gluten free. After a few weeks of trial and error I think I have found the perfect go-to cold lunch that meets all of the criteria above. Drum roll please......SPRING ROLLS!

Now, you might be thinking, Rach, spring rolls? Hold on, let me explain. They don't need to be heated, they can be eaten with little mess, they are filling, the wrapper is rice, and possibly the best part...they can take on any flavor your little heart desires!

(These are the kind I used and I stored them in a zip Lock bag after opening)

Just think about it. The rice paper is flavorless and you can create any filling you want. I made 2 types, one with smashed baked potatoes, ground beef and salsa and the other is a protein packed healthy little roll with veggies and more!

Quinoa (Be sure to rinse it before cooking) 1 cup dry
Brown Rice-1 cup dry
1 can White beans, rinsed and drained (great northern beans-any will work)
1 Large Sweet Potato
Rice Spring Roll Wrappers
1 Handful of fresh parsley chopped
Garlic powder
Onion powder
Sea Salt and Black Pepper
Splash of Rice wine Vinegar
A swirl of Olive Oil (about 1 Tbs)
Chopped peanuts
Red Pepper Flakes(Optional-I add it to almost everything)
3 or so Tbs hemp protein powder (optional)

Cook both your quinoa and rice to package directions. Also, chop up your sweet potato into little pieces and cook until it is cooked through but still firm and hold's it's shape.
In a large mixing bowl add in all filling ingredients. Mix in the rice, quinoa, sweet potato and all other ingedients until evenly incorporated. Make an assembly line: Rice wrappers, then your water (for wetting the rice wrappers- I used a pie plate), a place to put the dampened paper (I used a cutting board), next is the filling with a large spoon and lastly, a plate to put them on after they are wrapped (I recommend a little spray of olive oil to keep them from sticking to the plate and tearing.)

First take 1 rice wrapper and dip it into the water so it is all covered. After 2-3 seconds remove it and place it on your work station. using a large spoon take a spoonful of your filling and place it near the bottom of your wrapper about an inch and a half from the edge. Fold your spring roll at both sides so they meet, then fold up the bottom over your mixture and roll it up! This seems harder than it actually is-my package of rice wrappers had a picture on the back demonstrating this.

Repeat until you have enough spring rolls! I ended up making 12 and had some filling left over for a snack. When storing mine I rubbed a little olive oil on the outsides to keep them from sticking to the container and to each other. Also, store in an airtight container to keep the rice wrappers from drying out and getting a little tough.

Optional additions and alternatives:
1. Swap the parsley for fresh mint
2. For a more Mediterranean style try adding chopped kalamata olives, tomatoes, and feta cheese
3. For a Mexican take, maybe try some taco seasoning (try making your own!) Ground beef, some fresh cilantro, salsa and a little shredded cheese.
4. Fill with potatoes, ground beef and salsa (this one is better warmed up)

So that's it. I ended up with a full week's worth of lunches plus a few snacks and it didn't take too long to prepare. What is your favorite spring roll recipe or cold lunch idea?

Until next time,


Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Easy Healing Bone Broth Recipe

I did it. i finally did it! I made my first attempt at making bone broth recently. For those who don't know, bone broth is incredibly healing and can help heal and repair the gut. This is especially important for those trying to heal leaky gut (like myself)! Leaky gut has been linked as the source for many common health issues including fatigue, auto immune diseases, skin problems including acne and eczema, the list goes on and on. So, I was able to gather up most of the ingredients I needed and with very minimal prep work and a huge thanks to my crock pot, it turned out great!

I based my recipe from Dr. Josh Axe's (He has a ton of great health information on his website) 

I was out of a few things and I was ready to make my own bone broth because I FINALLY found a place that sold the bones bones. I modified the recipe because most recipes for bone broth (and soup bases) call for celery, and I have a mild celery allergy so that needed to be refined for me. But also because I did not have all of the ingredients at home. 
I use this recipe as a sipping broth and I plan on making another batch soon to keep moving on my gut healing process!

5 Medium carrots- peeled-organic if possible
1 med-large onion- peeled and cut into quarters
1/2-1 tsp thyme
1 handful parsley (lightly shopped)
2 1/2 quarts of water 
2 cloves of garlic- peeled and gently smashed
2 Bay Leaves
black pepper corns (whole is better because it'll be easier to strain at the end)
1tsp salt (to taste but I started with this) 
1lb bones with marrow (I used pork bones this time because the health food store was out of beef bones)

I prepared all of my veggies and put them right into my larger sized crock pot (I think this size is pretty standard). Then I placed my bones on top and covered with water-about 2 and 1/2 quarts- just so it was about an inch or so from the top. I covered and let it bubble on high overnight. In the morning I turned it to low and let it simmer until about the 36 hour mark. Then I turned it off and let it sit again to cool close to room temperature. I set aside some for me to drink within the next 3 days and the rest I portioned into freezer bags to store (it will freeze well for up to 3 months). **while I was separating it after it had cooled I tried my best to skim off some of the fat from the top.** I do usually end up adding a little extra salt to mine when I reheat it but it is really up to you!

I Really enjoyed the way this recipe turned out. I think it had plenty of flavor and for a first try I surprisingly don't think I would make many changes if any at all. I hope you enjoy this recipe and for those who don't know what leaky gut is all about I highly recommend you check it out. It is really a fascinating subject that doesn't have nearly enough awareness and affects so many people. There is hope and healing for repairing your digestive system and bone broth is a great start!



Sunday, May 15, 2016

Hair Growing, Shine Boosting, Hydrating Hair Mask

Recently I decided to try a hair mask recipe of my own creation. I have tried just a few others before and have seen several recipes and different hair benefiting ingredients. So while I drew water for a bath I threw together this little mix!

After just one use I couldn't believe how healthy, soft and shiny my hair looked and felt. Honestly, it's never looked better. Typically right after I wash my hair it feels very dry and brittle and gets quite frizzy (my hair is right in the middle between curly and straight and I'm not talking a typical nice wave) until the natural oils replenish themselves.  I will definitely be using this recipe again!

What I used:

Egg: Now, it probably seems kind of gross to be putting raw eggs in your hair, but I assure you, it's not that bad. Raw eggs are packed with proteins and nutrients that have been used in hair growth studies and leave a nice shine and feel to hair while nourishing and repairing the hair and scalp.

Olive Oil: I was originally going to go for coconut oil but somehow I am O U T out. So, I used a splash of Olive oil which is also great for nourishing and replenishing hair, especially dry hair. I think the Olive oil turned out to be a happy accident because it worked great!

Apple Cider Vinegar: ACV, surprisingly to many, can be very helpful in balancing pH levels. It can also aid in treating dandruff and dry itchy scalps. And it is another great ingredient for promoting hair growth as it stimulates the scalp and hair follicles. The list of benefits for ACV in your hair(and many other things!) goes on and on.

Rosemary Essential Oil: This is the ingredient I was most excited to try. I honestly love the way it made my hair smell, it gave a nice earthy and almost minty scent after it was all washed out. It stimulates hair growth by increasing circulation to the scalp, It is a great hair cleanser due to its antibacterial properties, it relieves dandruff and itchy scalp and improves shine. If you are new to essential oils or have very sensitive skin I might suggest starting with fewer drops and always use pure therapeutic grade essential oils from a reputable source and follow safety guidelines.

1 Raw egg
1 Tbs Olive Oil
1 tsp Apple Cider Vinegar
3-5 drops of Rosemary essential oil

I combined all of my ingredients together in a glass bowl and whisked it with a fork until it was all blended nicely. Then for the tricky and slightly messy part. I flipped my hair over into the sink to catch the drips and I basically did a combination of dipping my hands in the bowl, pouring it carefully onto my head to massage into my scalp and then I gathered my hair and dipped it right into the bowl trying my best to evenly distributed the mixture. I then grabbed a hair tie and twisted my hair all into a bun and placed it on the top of my head. I let it sit for about 45 minutes (I would recommend 30 minutes to 1 hour). While you let it sit you may want to put on a shower cap to try keeping it all together and keeping the heat in. I sat in the bath and read a book so that the mess was easier to clean up and I could wash it easily with little mess afterwards.
Important note: BE SURE TO WASH IT ALL OUT!! After about 30 to 60 minutes proceed with your normal hair washing routine. Make sure to rinse really really well. You might even want to rinse an extra time or two or even shampoo twice to ensure that you don't leave any scrambled egg behind. Been there done that, not fun. Just rinse really really well and you should be ok! :) I then let it air dry and I noticed improvements texture and appearance immediately.

So that's it! I hope you give this recipe a try let me know in the comments how it worked for you. I would love to hear some feedback as well as your favorite ingredients and other combinations.


Friday, May 13, 2016

A conversation About the F Word: A False Stigma Against Fats.

Today I got into a conversation that was all about FAT! Gross, right? Well...maybe not. The question came about, Where did this negative stigma about fat come from?  How long have we been afraid to consume fats? Are English speaking countries more prone to a fat miscommunication?  And what happened after the low fat and fat free craze started? 

First of all, how did this all start? Let's back up a ways and see. The "fat scare" all started not long after World War II. Researchers began studying fats and found some links between certain saturated fats, from sources like eggs and red meat, causing coronary heart disease. As the years went on fats remained OUT and carbs were IN. This also started the "low-fat" and "fat free" stages of food development. But more about that later.  

Now, let's talk a little about fat miscommunication and why it is a larger problem in English speaking countries more so than others. First of all, the United States is leading the processed food race. I have a theory that our stigma on the word fat comes largely from it being used as an insult, adjective or physical description. 

Traditionally and literally, FAT is a noun. It is a greasy substance naturally created in animals and humans and is most commonly found in a layer just under the skin. On a steak it is the white part usually around the edges. In the United States, however it is also used as an adjective. "That person is fat." vs. "That person is overweight" seem to have 2 very different meanings. When someone is fat the correlation that immediately comes to mind is "they must eat or have eaten a lot of fat". But when someone is said to be overweight their food choices and diet don't really come to mind as quickly- it remains a description. 

In the Spanish language fat from food, such as steak, is usually called grasa. when a person is being referred to as being large or overweight they are called gordo. It is a description of their physical appearance, whereas grasa - fat found in food, remains a noun. These two different words that both when translated to English mean fat. 

Finally, what's the deal with the fat free and low fat craze? Starting in the 1960's this fad led to even more severe health issues than evil fats were being blamed for. Now, lets come back to modern times. Because so many foods now have a fat free option it gets me wondering: how do they make it taste the same if they are taking parts of it out? I'm a little afraid to know the specific scientific truth, but the easiest way to explain it is that they add a lot of artificial chemicals and additives including processed sugar, fillers and sodium. Now, this isn't just a problem when it comes to reducing "fat" content, but also in most processed foods. The harsh truth is that corn, wheat, sodium(salt) and processed sugars are cheaper and increase shelf life, ultimately saving companies oceans worth of money by selling what some say to be an imitation product and marketing it as the real thing. But that is a story for a different post! 

So all of this might be raising even more questions. But lets stick with the basics, is fat actually bad for me? I will say, natural fats are still natural and your body knows how to process it. Moderation and portion control are key in all situations it is best to have a good balance. When it comes to animal products always try to choose grass fed and organic whenever possible to ensure safety from harmful antibiotics and hormones. Avocados are another great source of healthy fats as well as nuts, olive and coconut oil, and even butter. 

So now that we know where it all started, eat your fats folks! Your brain will thank you. 

Until next time, 
