Friday, July 8, 2016

Among Friends Gluten Free Brownie Mix Review

This week I picked up a bag of Gluten Free Among Friends Alec's Brownie Mix from Target. Let's talk for a second about how I am the worst baker I know. Seriously though. I have followed box directions before and still ended up with a soggy or crumbly dessert. I've even gotten brave enough to try baking from scratch (with a recipe of course. I'm not the bold.) ..**insert cinnamon roll picture fail here**

* Pictured above left to right Cornbread: made from scratch with a recipe, turned out a little dry but still good. Second. My cornbread with a sad "cinnamon roll" Third: "No rise Cinnamon roll" I followed a recipe that said that, however I tried to make it GF when the recipe wasn't written that way and the rest is history. It was a 50/50 win that day.
.....So needless to say, I don't really bake, I don't really enjoy baking, and I'm not very good at it. However when trying to be health conscious AND gluten free there are not often yummy dessert options, so when I saw this on sale I figured it was worth a shot. Here is my Review of Among Friends Brownie Mix! !

1. Ease of Reading the Directions
 I enjoyed reading about the company a little on the back of the bag and the directions were straight forward. On the first line it specifically states to "read the directions carefully" So, I did.

2.  Prep
After a thorough read I was able to carefully and easily follow the instructions and my batter came out as I expected and as the box predicted -So far so good!

3. I followed the directions (no adding!)- and I set a timer.
When I "bake" I often feel the urge to add, omit, and substitute...I like to make a recipe my own so a little flax meal here and substitute GF all purpose there, shouldn't hurt, right? Do we need to see the cinnamon fail again? Ok.
Now, on the bag it says that it is ok to substitute coconut oil or use a combination of butter and oil. So my use of 4 Tbs of butter and 4 Tbs of coconut oil still counts as following the directions!
I also set a timer. Sometimes I forget...I know. That's why things don't turn out. Maybe...but today I set a timer!
4. Result
As soon as my brownies got to the consistency described on the package I took them out of the oven and let them cool. They looked great and smelled amazing. when they were finally cooled (enough) I was ready to give it a taste. I took a corner piece and OMG it has been so long since I've had a brownie! It separated a little as I took it out of the pan but I'm betting that's from the fact that I was using a butter knife as opposed to a spatula made for desserts, or even just a fork. I took a bite and that was it. I was sold. Very chocolaty (I love love love the fact that it comes with chocolate chips in the mix-thank you) not too sweet, good texture. Yummm.

My first thought was, "This is amazing". My second thought was "I didn't mess it up! It tastes amazing! It's gluten free and I know all of the ingredients! I did it! I did it!"
So that's how it went! One of the most positive baking experiences I've had in quite some time. I would highly recommend this brand and as long as you follow the directions carefully I think anyone could get these brownies to turn out right.

As always, thank's for reading. I really enjoyed doing this review so hopefully there will be more on the way soon. Let me know if there are any GF products you enjoy or would like to hear about!

Until next time,


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