Monday, June 27, 2016

All Natural Salad Dressing Recipe: gluten, soy, dairy and nut free

Conventional salad dressings you find in the stores often contain excess sugar, sodium, preservatives, and fillers. Not only that, but who wants calcium disodium on their salad anyways? Yuck! The easiest way to avoid all of those problems is to make your own. It's actually really easy and it is fun to get creative and easy to make alterations to flavor or diet specifications.
One of my favorite recipes is an alteration of one I have been making for years now. The biggest difference to this variation is Turmeric. I have a post about more ways to add turmeric to your diet coming soon! Turmeric is a yellowish orange spice that is most commonly found in powder form and it comes from a root. As always when using turmeric, be careful, as it can stain your clothes (and counters). 
The addition to turmeric in this recipe adds a very subtle spice, but not in a heat kind of way. I mostly add it for nutritional benefits. Everyone I have ever made this for has raved about it and requested it again and again. So, here it is, my famous salad dressing recipe, with turmeric!

Recipe: Serves ~4
1/3 c Olive Oil
Juice of 1/2 Lemon
1/2 tsp Onion Powder
1/2 tsp Garlic Powder
1/2 tsp Paprika
1/2 tsp Turmeric Powder (organic preffered) 
Dash of Red Pepper Flakes- to taste I probably use 1/4 to 1/2 tsp (depending on how spicy my guests like it.)
Freshly ground Sea Salt and Black Pepper to taste

Mix all ingredients into a small mixing bowl. I usually use my 1 cup glass measuring cup. Start with the olive oil and all all other ingredients. Whisk together, I usually use a fork. If you have the time, make this dressing before you coom dinner to let the flavors infuse togethe . Is good as soon as it's mixed but this adds a whole new dimension to it so even a few minutes will do it well.

So there you have it! Do you make your own salad dressings? And What are your favorite salad toppings?

As always, thanks for reading.

Until next time,


Saturday, June 25, 2016

Creamy Garlic Dipping Sauce

Today for lunch I whipped up a quick creamy sauce for our sweet potato fries and chicken. It turned out great and in less than 5 minutes and it was ready. This creamy sauce would be great for french fries, grilled chicken, veggie dip, burgers, the possibilities are nearly endless! It's nice and cool, almost like a tzatziki-without the cucumber. So, without further ado, here is the recipe!

1/2-3/4 c all natural sour cream
1 clove garlic-grated
1 green onion (green and white) minced
swirl of olive oil (about 1 tsp)
sea salt and pepper to taste

Mix all ingredients into a small bowl and serve any way you like, veggie tray, fries, burgers, you name it!

**Note: Making this sauce ahead of time(for a party maybe) will allow all of the flavors to blend together more, therefore making a stronger sauce.

I am interested in hearing from you! What are your plans for this mix and what variations would you choose?


Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Cookie Dough Recipe (Vegan and Gluten Free)

I don't think there is much explaining needed to introduce this recipe. Here is my cookie dough recipe that is moist and sweet, gluten free and vegan allergy friendly and most importantly, it satiates that cookie dough craving!
To make this recipe gluten fee I have substituted rice flour for wheat, which I find in the bulk section at my grocery store but pictured is Bobs Red Mill Organic Brown Rice flour which can now be found in many grocery stores or purchased online.  I also used coconut oil instead of butter and almond milk for cows milk. This batter feels very light and airy from the coconut oil but it is very sweet a few spoonfuls is all you will need to satisfy that cookie dough craving!

1/2 (heaping) cup Organic rice flour
1/2 (Just under) cup Organic cane sugar (granulated)
1/3 c Organic Coconut Oil softened
Pinch sea salt (optional)
1/3 cup semisweet chocolate chips (Vegan or dairy free if preferred)
2-3 Tbs ground flax meal
3-5 Tbs almond milk

In a medium mixing bowl combine, with a hand mixer, the rice flour, salt, sugar, flax meal and coconut oil (make sure it is softened). Mix until the coconut oil has broken down mostly into small pieces. Next add in the almond milk, start with less and add as you go. I used about 4 Tbs or 1/8th of a cup. Mix until batter is consistency of cookie dough- when all of the dry ingredients become moist and well combined. (See photo above) Then add in your chocolate chips and either mix with the mixer for a quick second or stir in with a spoon. Optional: chill in the refrigerator before eating.

**Note: For a smoother batter try putting all of your dry ingredients through the food processor or blender for a few pulses before adding in the coconut oil.

I hope you all enjoyed this post and happy snacking!


Monday, June 13, 2016

DIY All Natural Taco Seasoning

It's Tuesday night and of course you're making tacos for dinner. Chicken, pork, veggies or beef- No matter the base or toppings there is one thing you will need, taco seasoning, of course! You reach for your handy .49c  packet and... STOP! Those little seasoning packets might taste delicious and while they are oh so convenient, most of them contain more chemicals, additives, preservatives and excess sodium than necessary. In fact, good taco seasoning doesn't need ANY chemicals, additives, preservatives, or even salt.

Luckily there is an easy solution! Make your own. It's really not hard and in the end it comes out cheaper. It takes just a few ingredients, an empty jar and less than 5 minutes to make THE BEST taco seasoning that is all natural, will last you months, and save you money!

Equal Parts:
Chili powder
Onion Powder
Garlic Powder
Ground Cumin

1/8-1/3 part Red Pepper Flakes (To taste- the more the spicier)

Mix all ingredients using a dry measuring utensils and place into a clean, dry glass jar.  I usually start with a Tablespoon for measuring each ingredient until my jar is full in equal proportions. If you have room in your jar you can put the lid on and shake it to evenly mix the ingredients or if you plan on filling your jar simply put all of the ingredients into a bowl and mix well then store in your jar.

I would love to hear about any variations or other homemade spice recipes!


Monday, June 6, 2016

DIY Mouthwash Recipe

A year or so ago I decided that I wanted an all natural mouthwash to go with my natural toothpaste. I started searching for recipes and after learning more about the benefits of essential oils I formed my own blend along with a few other natural ingredients for a healthy mouth. After trial and error I have settled on my go to DIY mouthwash recipe. This recipe is easy to make and very affordable. This specific blend of essential oils really leaves my mouth feeling clean and fresh. I can really tell that it is working without the harsh burning of alcohol found in conventional mouthwashes. I feel confident knowing that this recipe is safe and natural and contains no artificial dyes, flavors, chemicals or preservatives. Here's the recipe!

12-15 ounces filtered water
1 tsp baking soda
1 drop of honey
5 drops Peppermint essential oil
2-3 drops tea tree essential oil
2-3 drops rosemary essential oil
2-3 drops grapefruit essential oil 

For my container I chose a recycled mouthwash bottle. Using a funnel I added the baking soda first, then I took the funnel off and added the honey and essential oils (I chose not to use the funnel for these because I didn't want any of it getting stuck to the inside and not making it into the bottle). Next I replaced the funnel and poured in my water until it was about an inch or so from the top of the bottle (not including the narrow part it pours out of).

Use: Make sure to give it a good shake before each use, swish for a few seconds and spit. As with all mouthwashes, be careful not to swallow.
If you tend to be sensitive to essential oils use less of each and make sure you dilute it with plenty of water.

Tip: Be extra careful when adding your oils. Sometimes it starts to drip out slowly then all of the sudden it drips fast so be extra careful to ensure you don't put too much in.

Substitutions: I have substituted lemon essential oil for grapefruit and it was ok, but I preferred the grapefruit much better. I have also substituted the honey for organic agave and yes, just 1 drop is enough!

Note: Always be careful when using essential oils. Be sure to use a high quality essential oil,  100% pure therapeutic grade and always properly dilute and follow all safety measures.

I hope you will give this easy recipe a try and add a natural mouthwash to your healthy lifestyle routine, and as always, thanks for reading!

Saturday, June 4, 2016

How to Look Like a Pro When Packing Food for Air Travel: TSA Approved Snacks

I can't count the times I have gone through airport security on my 2 both feet. Or the amount of time I have spent standing in a security line, or how many times I have seen people get stopped and have to dump out all of the snacks, drinks, shampoo bottles, etc. that they perfectly planned and packed just for their trip...all into the trash. A bit of knowledge I wish I'd had early on are some TSA approved snacks and drinks.

Airport and plane food have quite a few disadvantages. To name a few, it's not usually healthy, not always reliable, not allergy friendly and  it is EXPENSIVE! In this post I will share my top 4 secrets that will help you pack like a pro and get your healthy snacks all the way to your destination (if you don't eat them all, first).

#1.   3 ounces ONLY

While many people DO know this, there are still those out there who don't (I've seen you), you may only carry 3 ounces of each type of approved liquid through security and onto a plane. No drinks. No creams. No Gels. No applesauce. I usually don't even try to bring any because it seems like the line between ok and not ok is pretty thin.

#2. Empty bottles are safe to fly
But what many people DON'T know or think about, is that you CAN bring an empty water bottle with you (because they don't fill up your drinks often enough on the plane and spending $6 on a 12 oz bottle of water is a little unreasonable). On my last trip, to Italy (a very long flight), I had my water bottle, my thermos and my snacks. I drank my water and tea until we got to the drop off, then dumped it on the curb and tossed the empty bottles into my carry on.  After we got through security I found a drinking fountain to fill up my water (for free!) and sometimes a Starbucks or the similar will give you hot water for free (just make sure you tip). I even bring my tea bags separately, neatly packed into a snack size zip lock and when I get hot water, it's nice and fresh. Some great ones to have for travel are green tea with lemon (to keep you alert and boost immunity) and ginger tea (in case you tend to have some tummy troubles the ginger will help sooth it.) Another thing I have tried, and I may have gotten lucky, so be careful. I've squeezed a little fresh lemon into my empty thermos and had just about a table spoon in it when it went through security. That way I would have fresh lemon for my tea and not have to fuss with how to get it there.

#3. Just about any food will make it through the line
As mentioned above, no applesauce or the like. Another tip that many people don't seem to know is that you CAN bring food with you through security. That being said, almost any solid or dry food will make it through the line. I have made bags of dried apples (I went a little crazy with a dehydrator), I have packed sandwiches, dry cereal in a baggie, granola and protein bars- they all fly safe.
My go to is usually dried apples and other dried fruit. Not only is it healthy and not a liquid, but it is light as a feather-which is a great plus for those of us who often get a little close on the baggage weight limits. ;) TIP: Another thing to remember is that most ice packs are gel so you might want to leave them at home. If you do decide to bring things that are better eaten cool I would suggest keeping them in the fridge until the minute you walk out the door and if possible, keep them in an insulated bag. This will keep it cool enough for a few hours until you get through security to eat it.

#4 follow state and country rules
Most of the time this won't be an issue, just remember that a few states(Hawaii) and many foreign countries have rules about taking food  out of their territories. I have mostly seen this with fresh produce. There are agriculture rules and such as well as concerns about cross contaminating bugs and what not. Unfortunately you probably won't get through security with your fresh pineapple but the dried stuff is good to fly.  Just make sure you check the specific rules for your location before you head to the airport.

 As always, thanks for reading and safe travels!


PART 2 COMING SOON!!  I talk about how I keep my food organized as well as how to pack toiletries so you don't get sunscreen all over the inside of your suitcase (true story!).