Wednesday, March 12, 2014

5 Ways to wash the bad day and stress away!

It wasn't the best of days...or the worst of days (even though i thought it was at one point, or two)...It was one of those out-of-my-routine-therefore-i'm-cranky-and-you-should-know-why days. Everyone has their own variation of this, basically, it was just that gross feeling of being out of my routine when i woke up that threw my emotions and therefore the rest of my day. It was an emotional roller coaster that could have been avoided had i just.

I wish i had thought of this before my day was over. Basically This post is going to be about letting things go, forgiving yourself and anyone who "ruined" your day, and moving on to have a better day. 

OK! Now, let it go starting with...

#1. It's not the end of the world: Ok, so you woke up late...You rushed around and you made it on time...or you didn't...Now your whole day is ruined? Let it go. Someone honked at you on the road, you spilled your coffee (or green smoothie) and you were livid by the time you got to your first destination...if you're reading this, you obviously made it out ok. Let it go. I mean, was not having my smoothie this morning and taking a shower at 2 instead of 10 such a huge deal? NO! But in that moment i was about ready to squeal like a baby and demand my usual routine. I spent time regretting my decision to be out of my routine, when i should have been enjoying the special time i had with the person i was with. So, basically the first thing to think of when you're having a bad day is was it really that big of a deal? You will probably say no. This one is kind of a two-parter, Try to think about the good things in your day. Ask yourself, "What is new and good in my life right now?" Think positively, it might help to crowd out the gloom.

#2 Talk it out: One of the best ways to relieve stress and anxiety is to just talk about it with someone. Find someone who you trust and who is a good listener and just let them have it. Tell them how mean the world was to you today. The listener doesn't have to say a word. Just having someone give you that bit of attention and verbally letting your emotions flood out in a jumbled rambling mess you will be amazed how much better you feel. And if you don't have anyone to talk to in the moment, write about it. Just vent it all out, after you're finished you can tear it up, burn it, bury it, save it forever...whatever you want-Just get those bad feelings out!

#3 Is it worth ruining someone else's day? Probably not. Most people feel kind of crappy...or in this case even worse when they realize that they ruined someones day. Remember that all the people who you are going to be interacting with weren't the cause of your bad day. If it's already too late, let them know you're sorry if you can, a simple, "hey, sorry about the way i snapped at you today, it was a rough morning" will usually shed some explanation on the situation.

#4 Have some ME time.: Sometimes just taking a break from the world (including social media) can be a great way to relax and take a deep breath when the day has been especially overwhelming. Put on a little bit of happy music, ( reggae, something without words, or just your favorite feel-good song) and take a few deep breaths. If you've got the time maybe take a cat nap...whatever works for you to relax. And if you are in a busy setting, say the middle of the work day, take a step back, go to the bathroom, take a walk around the building, have a snack...just take a little break. 5 minutes is better than nothing and in a high-stress situation 5 minutes of focusing on yourself can do you SO much good. 

#5 Cancel your plans-Or make some!: Canceling your plans might not always be possible, but when you are already overwhelmed and having a rough day it might help to clear your afternoon or evening up a little bit. Give yourself some room to breathe! If you can reschedule, do it. You have to remember that sometimes YOU need tom come first.
Making plans can also be a quick pick-me-up to cure those bad day blues, having something simple like casual dinner or a movie with a close friend will give you something to look forward to for the rest of your day. Chances are your day won't go so by so slow and you will be excited and motivated to get to the time of your fun appointment....keep it simple and try to stay positive so that when your fun plans do come you can make the best out of it!

So there you have it, 5 quick and easy ways to reverse your bad day and lessen your stress. It could always be worse, look at THIS BEAUTIFUL DAY! And really try to make the bast of it. In the comments below i would love to hear what your favorite tip was!

and as always, much love and happy wishes,

Rachael <3

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