Wednesday, January 29, 2014

What Fills You?

What fills you? Veggies, fruits, chicken, pasta, cookies, pizza? Money, movies, restaurants? Family, social interaction, travel, love, learning? Yoga, meditation, religion, nature, volunteering?

Food fills your stomach, bellies, gut. Depending on what food you eat and where it comes from it fills your belly, satisfies your hunger, gives you energy, helps you focus. 

Everyone needs food to survive, but can we live and be happy on food and water alone?

In modern times most families lives revolve around quick meals, insufficient sleep, work, school, travel time, etc.

But does any of that really matter when it comes to your happiness? Most would probably say no.

I want to leave readers thinking. I want to make a difference in the world and I want to make people happy and healthy inside and out. Physically and emotionally. I want to be that support that so many people need. I really want to make an impact on the world and see my change. I want people to love others and love themselves. I want those who read my blog to leave with a light heart and desire to change things.

I ask you today, what fills you? What do you need to do to reach your goals, your dreams, your wildest ideas? Where do you get your happiness from? What. Moves. You?

What moves you? What or who moves you to be a better person? Who inspires you and why? What do you do for yourself?

It is an unfortunate fact that we live in a people pleasing world. After weeks, months, years of stress and being overwhelmed, I had one of my best friends tell me that i don't do anything for myself. And I thought about it and said "but" and "what about...?" and i thought about it and they was right. I realized that it IS ok to say no! Sometimes.

There is a fine line between keeping busy and taking opportunities and overloading yourself to the point's just not fun anymore.

My advice to the other people pleasers of the world would be this: Don't be afraid to take any opportunity that comes your way. When faced with a decision ask yourself "Why NOT?" If you can't think of a reason then do it!

However...We can't all be superman and do everything at once. This world gives us so many opportunities it can be hard not to do it all at once. But the truth of the matter is that if we pack our schedules too tight we get overwhelmed and nothing is fun anymore.

Save time for yourself. Find what feeds your soul, your spirit, your emotions. Find your happy place and schedule some time for it. Weather it be yoga, meditation, a walk in the park, watching a movie alone. Just find what you love and MAKE TIME FOR YOU!

It will be surprising to you to see that when you make time for you you will find more balance in other areas of your life too.

So what fills you? Where do you get your primary food? If you don't know, try something new! Don't be afraid and discover who you are.

Much love and happy wishes,

Rachael <3